This year Angie and I made popcorn balls and sugar cookies! It was allot of work but we had fun, Angie needed treats for school and I took popcorn balls to work, and they sure were a hit!!

When the kids were little, they would sit on the table. I would set the Video camera up so it would get everyone and the family would carve pumpkins. When the kids got older the pumpkins were a lot more creative, One year Mark and I carved like 10 pumpkins all with a different face and the kids took them to school. I cherish my Videos so much!! Ahhh the good old days.
Angie using the decorating bag, I think I need a new one after the black frosting,Haha it turned a permanent pink.
See the black ghost, Angie said they were called Obama.

MMMMM marshmallow popcorn balls they have become the Scherer Halloween tradition!

MMMMM marshmallow popcorn balls they have become the Scherer Halloween tradition!
Blast from the past!
Since I did not get to see my kids this Halloween I dug out the old pictures, I had made a couple of pages for my scrap book and thought I would share! This is my family, sisters, brother, nieces and nephews, parents, In laws and of course Mark,Angie, Justin and me over the years!

When the kids were little, they would sit on the table. I would set the Video camera up so it would get everyone and the family would carve pumpkins. When the kids got older the pumpkins were a lot more creative, One year Mark and I carved like 10 pumpkins all with a different face and the kids took them to school. I cherish my Videos so much!! Ahhh the good old days.
One of my favorite costumes for the kids is when Angie was a scarecrow and Justin an old man.
The picture of the vampire that is doubled is my brother Steve,Wow I sure have made him up on Halloween a few times but the double picture is my favorite because it looks so spooky. However Raquel was the spookiest when she had red eyes and I made her into Mrs. Dracula!