Angela Dawn Scherer AKA Bug
When Mark and I decided to have kids I always dreamed of one boy and one girl, My wish was granted just not in the order I thought. When I found out we were going to have a baby, I was like all mothers, I just wanted a healthy baby, then when I was 8 months pregnant having surgery to put pins and a plate in a broken leg/ankle and a week later having gallbladder surgery I just wanted my baby to live! Then on June 15,1988 WOW I had a live, healthy baby girl who would change my life forever!!!
Angela (Angie) was not a real happy newborn, I guess she had a right to be pissy for awhile after all she went through but at about 2 months old she started to get over it, I would say that had to be the longest mad Angie has ever held onto.
Angie has had allot of nick names: Her cousin Michael called her Angie Frog when she was born because when she cried at first it sounded like a frog. Mark called his pup because she made noises like a puppy. My dad called her Angie Lou, and I called her bug a Lou then just bug, some friends have called her little red and I think some still do.
Angie has always been a go getter, I had a friend Susan who wanted to have Angie come visit (she did not have kids) I had a baby shower for a friend and decided Susan could have Angie for a few hours, I don't think Susan has recovered yet and that was over 20 years ago! Susan said Angie was everywhere, she asked me how I ever got anything done and that she needed to take vitamins before she could keep up with my little Angie again, and Angie was only 6 months old.
The world was Angie's and she wanted to experience it all!!
Angie is a people person, When she was 2 and 3 years old I would to the grocery store and people I did not know knew Angie by name. I know it sounds strange but there were a few people Angie did not like, She had a baby sitter for a week when she was 2, I changed babysitters when Angie cried when I dropped her off and she could not wait to get in the car when I picked her up, I know most kids do this but not my Angie she loved to go to people and so when she did not like this babysitter I took her to a new one, Angie never cried when I left her again. Then when Angie was 3 a friend of my sister's and someone Mark knew walked into my sister's house while Angie and I were there, Angie hugged me real tight and said she did not like that man,I'm not sure why but those are the only two people Angie ever said that about until many years later.
If you did not know Angie at 3 years old, boy you really missed out!!! 3year Angie is probably the most memorable age of Angie, picture crazy curly red hair a tiny little voice, a smile that lit up the room and a giggle my mom swears they stole to put in the giggle dolls. Angie was such a happy, smart pistol of a little girl. I know, sounds like a proud mom huh, well you would be right however I am only saying what people still tell me, Angie was a hoot.
Angie also had and still does have a temper. Angie likes things the way Angie likes them and boy watch out if they are not that way. That sounds like she is a spoiled brat,Wrong! Angie's temper is more directed at her self, or more her things, socks had to be just so or she was mad, I could only buy one kind of underwear because the other's, and we tried many others, did not feel just so, Angie's room and bathroom had to be just so or she was mad, and Angie has had a love hate relationship with her hair. At first her hair was not long enough she wanted long hair like cousin Jenny, then she hated her curls, all her friends had straight hair, and Angie did not want red hair. It took years of bad hair days, tears, screaming, pony tails pulled so tight no curl could be seen for my little bug to see just how special her hair is and that it has a life of it's own and will do what it wants.
Angie loves to learn, always has, form trying out her balance on the arm of my rocking chair, to trying to write her name at 2. Angie love to be read to and she would memorize the book and "read" it to her baby brother. (She got it right most of the time) When she was in kindergarten she would make homework for herself because the teacher did not give her any. Angie never settled for average, she always went for the "A". Her freshman year in high school I received a call from the counselor, she asked me to come to the school because Angie was very upset. I rushed to the school and sure enough my baby girl was crying, it broke my heart, I was ready to go find the person responsible for making her cry, they were going to hear it from me let me tell you!! Then I asked what or who had her so upset? The counselor told me Angie had gotten a "C" in Geometry, WHAT! How could this be, Angie a "C" in a class, the counselor explained it was on an assignment not the whole class, I wanted to laugh, I was so relieved that no one had been mean to by baby girl but I could not, she was crushed. That is just how hard Angie drives herself, always has and look at her now!!!!! On the dean's list of school and she got into her program, that not very many get into this young!!! I have never had to ask "do you have homework" or threaten her if her grades weren't good, just the opposite, Mark and I have worried and tried to tell her not to push so hard to have fun more often, She is coming around now but her younger years had me concerned.
Angie is not a tall person but do not make the mistake she can not do what ever she puts her mind to, she is my 5ft wonder!!!!! Angie's talents have no limits, 6 years of dance, 5 years of volleyball, 8 years of basketball, 3 years t-ball, 2 state championships and 1 State runner-up in soccer, 4 years high school rodeo, 1 year Jr. rodeo, 4 years of FFA and going all the way to get her national degree, Jr. Miss Be Your Best Self, Class Valedictorian, Honor's diploma, ISU Dean's list, and going on to be a Radiology Technician, And the best friend you could ever ask for!!
I love you Angie,and I really like the person you are